Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm nervous about going out into our school praying for people. I wasn't at first but I keep thinking aobut it and I don't know if I"m capable of it. I think I might freeze and maybe end up barfing on someone.

It'd be pretty darn cool if you guys could pray for me...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Some Random for your Day.

Wow, I haven't done much blogging in the last little while so I might hit you hard with a lot of my thoughts from the last little while.

Well its February. I must say that I love february. It might even be my favourite month. Why?
Well its full of birthdays, 5 in my family alone, it holds the wondrous day of love that I like to call
Valentines day, and... its the month before my month. All of which make me smile from ear to ear.

I'm really excited about Valentines Day this year. Its a day of love and thats what I'm going to spend it
doing, just loving on everyone. Often if you're not in a relationship with anybody then Valentines Day
turns into a depressing day and I just think that contradicts the whole point of the day. Everyone in this
world is loved and I think Valentines Day is a wonderful day to celebrate that love. So I'm going to be a Valentines
Day Fairy and remind our school of this love that is reaching out to them.

Now that I'm done talking aobut VD I can start talking and ranting about other things. Like, the last week has been a week of refocusing and switching around my priority list. My list isn't where it should be still but its something that I've been working on. Each day God is getting closer to the center of my life, He's taking away all that holds me back from him and that holds him back from me.
I went to this prayer meeting on Tuesday at lunch and I could feel the passion for God when I walked in and I didn't want to leave when lunch was over. God was in that place and it was so nice being able to pray with other believers from my school and to have the fire once again rekindled. I was reminded of Gods power on Tuesday, I was reminded that he is everywhere. It was pretty amazing.

Anyways, I've got so many things that I really want to get out and not enough time at the moment but I'm goign to attempt to blog more regularily.