Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Early Summer Orientation

This year I decided to go out of my comfort zone and become involved in my school. I volunteered to help out at the grand opening of the Health Sciences building as a greeter. At the orientation session I was told about an opportunity to join a student leadership group called the "student ambassadors." I got information about it and decided that this was what I wanted to do so I applied and had an interview and am now officially a Douglas College Student Ambassador.

The first event I was a part of as an ambassador was the summer graduation ceremonies. The first evening I stuck close to my comfort zone and helped give out diplomas. The second evening, however, I was positioned as a greeter/information giver-outer. I had to approach students and parents as they entered the college and direct them to their respective places and answer any questions they had. awkward :S haha, I don't enjoy approaching people and found myself way out of my comfort area. It went well though! I felt good about doing something I was afraid to do.

This week is the Early Summer Orientations. I'm going to be leading a group in icebreakers and wanted to organize my answers to the questions I'm going to ask here! Here goes:

Open by talking a little about your own experience making the transition from HS to DC.
Where did you go to school? New Westminster Secondary School
What were you excited/nervous about when you were approaching September? I was excited about starting the next stage of my life and the independance which goes along with being a college student. I was nervous about not knowing anyone and not knowing where anything was and the bus route.
What was your first year like? My first year was amazing. It started off rocky for sure. I started in the January semester and the first day of school it snowed! my bus got stuck and I was late for my program orientation. but it all went up from there!
How did you make friends and/or connect with instructors? I'm in a closed program so we're with the same girls everyday, in every class. Even with that I found making friends nerve racking. At lunch time I saw quite a few of the nursing girls sitting on their own at seperate tables so I gathered them up and we all had lunch together.
What’s your favourite thing about DC? My favourite thing... the caf! I love to eat and they have plenty of food :D

· What’s your name? Ashley Mayer
· What high school did you go to? New westminster secondary school
· What are you hoping to study at Douglas College? nursing
· What’s your favourite ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough
· What super power would you choose? mind reading

2 truths and a lie
- I come from a family of 12
- I have 7 cats, a dog and a bunny
- I eat eel on a regular basis


This is for you!


I had so much trouble trying to get back into this account that I even made a new one! Brent I'd like you to know that any blog I write here is directly written for you because I believe you are the only one in the world who ever reads these anyways. I know I don't :D

My last post I find very interesting. I've been to that point of seeking God instead of a husband a few times this year. Every time I've been broken, I come back to the place where I desire to seek Gods heart. I want to have that desire even while I'm in a relationship thats going well. I want to desire to seek Gods heart first even while my heart is whole and happy.

I'm excited to start this journey. I'll let you know how successful it is!
I have a busy day ahead of me so I'm going to go get ready. My mind is still filled with thoughts about sex and sexuality so I'll make sure I post my thoughts on that some time this week. Don't worry, they are all holy thoughts ;) They are more "questioning what I believe about the subject" and "what I believe my church to think about the subject" kind of thoughts.


Monday, January 22, 2007


well, its come to my attention that i don't blog at all.. haha, yes that is the truth. I haven't been thinking about it at all lately. but now that its on my mind i will write write write.
I went to christines blog to check it out and she had just done the love languages quiz so i did it as well=] and here were my results

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Quality Time
with a secondary love language being
Acts of Service.

Complete set of results

Quality Time: 8
Acts of Service: 7
Words of Affirmation: 7
Physical Touch: 6
Receiving Gifts: 2


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

I thought it was interesting, i thought for sure that touch would be my top one but i was told otherwise. i agree with it=] yay for practical love.

i've been thinking a lot about love in the last few days. i've been taking my thoughts captive , which i believe is very biblical=p haha and i've been accepting realities. Jesus is who i want to look to for love and to show love. i can do this through my primary love languages, spending time with Him and serving him. My desire is to focus my love on him right now. My husband will come in time and i don't need to be searching for him. I need to seek first His kingdom and the rest will come.

is that a revelation or what? its a well needed one at that. re-reading my diary shows me how desperate for love i really was and am. i have love himself adoring me so i don't need to look elsewhere. Hallelujah.

so thats my post for today, who knows, maybe this will become more routine.
Love you all.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Teen CAMP.

Teen camp was really great. I didn't expect it to look anything like it did. I had a lot of fun and met some really great people. I found a passion and "rippled" on the girls I met and they rippled right back. It felt amazing. As I was pouring into those that I now love they poured right back into me. I left camp more full than when I came, it was amazing. The girls in my cabin were so sweet and full of compassion and dreams and visions. It was suprising how much I grew, when I left for this weekend I didn't expect that at all. I was going to have some fun and make some friends which I did. I also got to witness and change some lives and in turn have my life changed. I prayed with one of my new friends as they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and left there so excited and wishing to celebrate. It was a huge moment for them as well as for me. Having God use me in such a way is an honour. I feel blessed to have gone to teen camp, it was amazing.


Saturday, June 24, 2006

CAR wash.

working at the car wash./yeah.

Today was pretty fun. Full of washing cars, sitting around, getting wet. .and you know, doing stuff. I pretty much loved it. I love youth sssssstuff. and I love the youth. and all them young adults too, don't worry.

Monday, June 12, 2006

I haven't blogged in quite awhile and I learned a very important lesson today so I thought I'd share it with you guys.

Theres this guy that I've been head over heels with for awhile now and I'd go way out of my way just to talk with him. He intrigued me, there was definetly a mystery to him. So being the girl I am I told all my friends that I was crushing on him, pointed him out to my mom in the yearbook, invited him to church, anything I possibly could. I loved talking about him. So then I find out he has a girlfriend. My initial response was a painful stare of unbelief and then turned into an even more painful sinking in of the truth. As tragic as it was at the time, I've now realized that its not that big of a deal and that life goes on. It may not seem like a big realization but it was huge for me. I had to walk down the hall thinking about all the good things going on just to keep myself from crying. I was hurt. So yeah, the lesson in all of this for me was to guard my heart. I was pretty much asking for him to step on my heart, I was sticking it right underneath his foot. He's someone I barely know, who barely knows me, and put my self in a very vulnerable position. I'm not sure what guarding my heart looks like, but I'm pretty sure I know a few things I would go back and change..

anyways, I guess you guys can learn from my mistake..

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Wow, It's been a wierd week. I'm not even sure I understand it all yet, theres definetly got to be a lesson in it somewhere.

It started with uncontrollable sobbing all Sunday, Oh and monday, and tuesday and also some of wednesday. And in the midst of that was some wierd on and off sickness that involved icky tummies and a whole lot of sneezing. I was dizzy a lot too and I just was completely exhausted most of the time. Not to mention I was really irritable and grumpy at everyone. I'm pretty sure I understand that one though, I was frustrated with soem family stuff and that was translating into the other areas of my life.

Gosh, so in between all the grumbling I did about everything I had a few of the most amazing moments of my life. I was forced to go to God because I couldn't talk to anybody about what was going on because I didn't really know. I spent more time in prayer than I have in awhile. I also had to discipline myself to do my bible study even though I would have much rather been sleeping. So I guess, I do kind of understand a little of whats going on. I'm pretty sure this is what they call trials and I'm gaining some perseverance and becoming intimate with God.

A big thing I've been thinking about a lot this week is the verse that goes:

"If you love me, obey my commandments"

I don't know where its found but I know I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I think it shows you what Christianity is really about. A lot of people see it as just an extra set of rules that "goody-goodys" follow. I've been really chewing on it for a while. Everything we do should be out of love for Jesus and in gratitude for everything He's done for us. Like, we often say we love Jesus or atleast I do but lately I've noticed that those are just words and my actions need to portray that. This whole thought makes much more sence in my head ... God just keeps asking me, Do you love Me? and my answer is always changing and I really want it to be yes but thats not the reality all the time. It's something that I'm defiently working on.

Anyways, I think I"m going to stop rambling now...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.[a] And by him we cry, "Abba,[b] Father."

Romans 8:15

18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

1 John 4:18

On that day they will say to Jerusalem, "Do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands hang limp.

Zephaniah 3:16

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.


I have been given a spirit of Freedom and not of Fear. I will proclaim that and live it. I need not fear.