Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Early Summer Orientation

This year I decided to go out of my comfort zone and become involved in my school. I volunteered to help out at the grand opening of the Health Sciences building as a greeter. At the orientation session I was told about an opportunity to join a student leadership group called the "student ambassadors." I got information about it and decided that this was what I wanted to do so I applied and had an interview and am now officially a Douglas College Student Ambassador.

The first event I was a part of as an ambassador was the summer graduation ceremonies. The first evening I stuck close to my comfort zone and helped give out diplomas. The second evening, however, I was positioned as a greeter/information giver-outer. I had to approach students and parents as they entered the college and direct them to their respective places and answer any questions they had. awkward :S haha, I don't enjoy approaching people and found myself way out of my comfort area. It went well though! I felt good about doing something I was afraid to do.

This week is the Early Summer Orientations. I'm going to be leading a group in icebreakers and wanted to organize my answers to the questions I'm going to ask here! Here goes:

Open by talking a little about your own experience making the transition from HS to DC.
Where did you go to school? New Westminster Secondary School
What were you excited/nervous about when you were approaching September? I was excited about starting the next stage of my life and the independance which goes along with being a college student. I was nervous about not knowing anyone and not knowing where anything was and the bus route.
What was your first year like? My first year was amazing. It started off rocky for sure. I started in the January semester and the first day of school it snowed! my bus got stuck and I was late for my program orientation. but it all went up from there!
How did you make friends and/or connect with instructors? I'm in a closed program so we're with the same girls everyday, in every class. Even with that I found making friends nerve racking. At lunch time I saw quite a few of the nursing girls sitting on their own at seperate tables so I gathered them up and we all had lunch together.
What’s your favourite thing about DC? My favourite thing... the caf! I love to eat and they have plenty of food :D

· What’s your name? Ashley Mayer
· What high school did you go to? New westminster secondary school
· What are you hoping to study at Douglas College? nursing
· What’s your favourite ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough
· What super power would you choose? mind reading

2 truths and a lie
- I come from a family of 12
- I have 7 cats, a dog and a bunny
- I eat eel on a regular basis
