Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This is for you!


I had so much trouble trying to get back into this account that I even made a new one! Brent I'd like you to know that any blog I write here is directly written for you because I believe you are the only one in the world who ever reads these anyways. I know I don't :D

My last post I find very interesting. I've been to that point of seeking God instead of a husband a few times this year. Every time I've been broken, I come back to the place where I desire to seek Gods heart. I want to have that desire even while I'm in a relationship thats going well. I want to desire to seek Gods heart first even while my heart is whole and happy.

I'm excited to start this journey. I'll let you know how successful it is!
I have a busy day ahead of me so I'm going to go get ready. My mind is still filled with thoughts about sex and sexuality so I'll make sure I post my thoughts on that some time this week. Don't worry, they are all holy thoughts ;) They are more "questioning what I believe about the subject" and "what I believe my church to think about the subject" kind of thoughts.
