Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ahh, the power of God through the wonders of the Ipod.

My Ipod is talking to me. My tummy is turning and gosh, this is definetly the wake up call that was needed. I've had so many struggles in my head lately and I just needed to tune in. Which, oh my gosh, definetly happened.

So heres the story. I was making a playlist, may I add a very good playlist, mainly because I was bored and it was the thing to do. I wasn't even thinking really about what I was putting on it, just a mix of random, random of which i really like. So I was listening to this and God was speaking through the words of the songs so clearly. It was kind of creepy in a way. But it wasn't only exactly what I needed to hear it was also a feeling that I needed to feel. I've been struggling with my faith in the last week or so and I've been praying for the fire inside me to be rekindled and it is now flaming all the way to my nose. tres wow.


April said...

Hey Ashley
Great blog I myself have been struggling with my faith to. It's weird that the fire I once had is no longer there. But for you keep on praying becaues God will be there. I will keep you in my prays.
Love April

Anonymous said...

Alot of times God speaks to us in weird ways , when we aren't really tuned into him. God bless.