Tuesday, December 27, 2005


This Christmas was full of firsts for me. It was my first time ever leaving my house on Christmas. I kid you not, I have never even played outside in my backyard on Christmas. I've never had to, Christmas was always celebrated at our house, everything always came to me so I've never had to leave the comfort of my home. This year wasn't going to be any different, I thought that my mommy would make my sister and I stay home. I was actually very surprised when she allowed us to go, it was pretty amazing.

At the church, we sang of love. we sang of joy, and of hope. I got stopped on the way home by a couple of men who were at the dinner and they thanked us and passed back some of the joy that christ through us had placed in them. It was really neat.

This year was a big eye opener. I've never grown so much in my life. I've changed, even though sometimes it doesn't seem like it. I'm on a journey and this year I definetly took the scenic route.

There was so many firsts this year, like it was the first christmas I've ever wore jeans, the first christmas I've ever had a boyfriend, the first Christmas where I actually had seconds of turkey, the first christmas I've ever eaten dinner in the living room, the first christmas that I didn't get changed into my pajamas before everyone had gone home. It was really the greatest christmas ever. It was the first Christmas I've spent in love with Jesus.


Ginger Ale said...

That's pretty awesome!

April said...

Great to hear that you had a great Christmas.