Monday, April 03, 2006

Intimacy with the Almighty

I got the new book for XLR8 today:) I'm excited to read it, I've only just looked through it and read one line but I'm pretty sure its going to be full of things I need to hear.

The back of the book says:

Noise and woreds and frenzied, hectic schedules dull our senses, closing out ears to His still, small voice and making us numb to His touch.

Thats definetly how I'm feeling right now so I think digging into this book is going to be pretty sweet. I don't want to read this book and have it be just a nice book though. I want some life flipping stuff.. I need to allow my life to be flipped first though. I need to open myself up and really allow this to happen. I need to surrender to God but its so hard. I'm holding tightly to my life even though I know that inorder to live I must give my life away. God, help me with this, I can't do it on my own. I'm stuck and you are my way out and yet I keep turning to others hoping that they'll be able to help. I realize that you are the way but I'm afraid of trusting you completely. I know I shouldn't be but I am. I really am. You are faithful and you are true, I have no reason to be afraid. Fear not. Fear not. Fear not.

I need to surrender.


Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

Goes a little with your other post, I'm going to be going through the book starting next week, if you want to get together and talk about insights you have from reading, or any questions that I might be able to answer, I'm free and ready to listen.

Also we should ask Jen if she'd like to join us.

Ashley said...

cool, I was thinking about giong through it with my mentor.

Denise said...

You are a beautiful woman of God. As I read your post I was made aware of just how much the Almighty loves you and longs for intimacy with you(intimacy that you will never find in humans). I have an idea for you...but I'll share it when I see you next. Hopefully Sunday? Hope you'll be there.
Love you, sister!