Saturday, April 01, 2006

Wow, so, so much is going on right now. I don't even understand it all. I'm trying to seek out God and come closer to Him right now but theres so much going on here right in front of my face that my thoughts get distracted and then I start focusing on all of that instead of seeking out who God is and what he wants from my life. The major thing thats getting me right now is all of these boy troubles I'm having. You'd think that being single would be easier.. It feels like I can't escape them right now, I just want to be single and focus on more important things. I want to have friends, not boyfriends. Its hard. I'm pretty sure dating ruins a lot of things anyways. At this point in my life I believe that dating is going to do much more harm than good. I just don't need it right now, you know?

So my head hurts right now from thinking so much, and my tummy hurts from twisting so much. Everything is so stressful sometimes, right now would be one of those times.

Gosh. What I'm trying to figure out right now is what I'm supposed to be doing. Like, where does my ministry lye, what should I do on an everyday basis, What does being a woman of God look like in my everyday life? I'm having so much trouble with this, everything keeps getting in the way. I'm not making it a priority even though I know that I really want it to be. Could you guys pray for me, I just want a clearhead so bad. I want to know what God wants from me. I want to know how to find a balance. I don't want to play church.


Anonymous said...

hey Ill pray for you. I always wanna listen to you and would love it if you came to me with more. (no strings attached) i promiss i wont be one of them stupid boys.
btw are you ok you left quite abruptly.

Pretty Boy

Ashley said...

thanks babe. I will talk to you about this stuff more, I've just been trying to work through it.

Yeah, I'm fine, quite good actually, I just had to set the table for dinner.

Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

I know exactly how you feel, man I also don't see the need in dating boys..

Wait a second, oh well you know what I mean..

Trying to find your everyday ministry.. hmm. I don't know, try a bunch of things one at a time until you notice one stands out more than the others..
Thats how service became my ministry... Go for it, God can use you in so many ways, I mean I see you as a very strong woman of Christ and I know you have the potential for greatness..

There isn't anything to great you can't accomplish with the lord on your side Ashley Mayer.

Go get em' tiger.


Ginger Ale said...

I feel the same way, everything eccept the boy thing...
But ya I'll keep you in my prayers!
I love ya Ashley!