Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Outer Appearance

I often find myself "needing" things. The truth is I don't really need many of the things I feel I need. I was thinking about that the other day... My mom said that I was being vain, which I was... I've been caring so much lately about what I look like and what I'm wearing.. It takes quite a bit of persuasion to remember that God doesn't care about those things at all.. they don't matter. It's how I look on the inside that matters.


Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

FINALLY! Someone agrees with me.

In fact I notice alot of people who spend far too much time on how they look that god isn't even the reason why we looked pretty in the first place. If we cover up the thing that God created us to be with all this makeup or skin toner then we not only think positively of how we look, but we must feel like we need more in order to feel beautiful. I'm beautiful the way God created me, and I am going to stay that way. I don't care about what I wear too much, I just try to pick plain looking clothes and a cross, so people focus on what really makes me, me... and that is God showing himself through me.


PS. I actually had an idea of what I was going to say but I got sidetracked alot thru the course of typing this, so don't yell at me for it not making sense.

Anonymous said...

Both of you brought of good points. We live in a generation where looks/appearances are everything. This way of thinking not only penetrates to our outer appearances, but also to the way we conduct ourselves and to our possessions. Who cares if you are the most wicked person on earth, as long as you drive a BMW. It seems that our society as a hole cares more about how well others will perceive who they think we are than who we truly are.

I am a little overweight (chunky), and even though I have lost 15 pounds recently, people still give me an awful time about my appearance. The same people who sort of jab me in the side (insult me) about my weight are the same people who don't bother to get to me as a person on the inside.

Brent, you are right on. Despite the constant battles of the world, we need to make our appearances conform to Christ and not the world. The world will always have an insatiable thirst for false beautiful appearance. But Christ made us beautiful to begin with and really his is the only oppinion that ultimately matters.

Anonymous said...

(Typo corrections)
Both of you brought of good points. We live in a generation where looks/appearances are everything. This way of thinking not only penetrates to our outer appearances, but also to the way we conduct ourselves and to our possessions. Who cares if you are the most wicked person on earth, as long as you drive a BMW. It seems that our society as a whole cares more about how well others will perceive who they think we are than who we truly are.

I am a little overweight (chunky), and even though I have lost 15 pounds recently, people still give me an awful time about my appearance. The same people who sort of jab me in the side (insult me) about my weight are the same people who don't even bother to get to know me as a person on the inside.

Brent, you are right on. Despite the constant battles of the world, we need to make our appearances conform to Christ and not the world. The world will always have an insatiable thirst for false beautiful appearance. But Christ made us beautiful to begin with and really his is the only oppinion that ultimately matters.

We are all beautifully made.