Friday, November 04, 2005

Breaking Point

I've tried writing this blog twice already and I haven't been able to do it. Sometimes I find it really hard exposing my weaknesses, my shortcomings. I often only confide these kind of things with those whom I'm really close with and then usually later in my life I'm able to open up about trials I've been through and weaknesses I've experienced. Today I'm going to put myself out there and hopefully this will be another step towards overcoming this fear of mine. The fear of being inadequate often catches me and I won't let it anymore. I've now realized it and now am taking the step to catch it and throw it away.

Today, I felt like my patience was being tested. I'm usually very patient but today I found where my patience ended. I definetly feel like I failed this test. I got so frustrated I felt like ripping out my hair. I had no idea how to deal with this frustration, so I bottled it. I didn't want people to see the troubles I was having. I knew having all this emotion bottled up wasn't very healthy so I turned to a few of my best friends. They're the ones that I always can talk to, it's nice having them around. I told my story a few times and after that I was still very confused and just plain unhappy. Frustrated and pulled to my breaking point I went to God. I asked Him to help me, I told Him that I knew I couldn't do this on my own. In my weakness I found His strength.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Nice blog!!