Monday, October 17, 2005


Well, another great weekend was provided by the wondrous Camp Sunrise. I think I love it there, actually i dont think I love it there, I definetly love it there. It's a place that I'd like to be still... but everybody has to go home at some point.

This weekend surrender came up, and it has been coming up quite a bit lately. This morning I went to put my jacket on, my jacket that I haven't worn since before RAW i think.. So anyways, in the pocket I found my testimony and reason for attending RAW rough draft. I read it and was amazed. I guess that sounds funny but its true. I was so joyful when I wrote that, and the cool part is that I'm still joyful. I'm coming up on a year since I gave my life to Jesus and the joy he's given me hasn't faded. Sure, I've had good days and bad days but that underlying joy is always there. Jesus is always there. That makes things a lot better.

So to end this blog on a good note, I will leave you with some beautiful pictures:)

This is my baby,

xena and monkey /Monkey Lulu Huespe

X {LR} : 8


Christine said...

can i come over and see them sometime??? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashley
What a great weekend. God was really there. I could feel his presents there it was so cool.

Ginger Ale said...

I totally was sad about leaving camp yesterday, I just loved the enviornment there, everyone loving each other and just the feeling of being able to be myself. I also love camp sunrise too, it feels like home, and I can't wait to return next year.

Ashley said...

same here MJ, I can't wait.
and Christine! ofcourse!

April - for sure, his presence was unmistakable.

Christine said...

i cant wait til womens camp cuz we can go back to camp sunrise!! woo

Ashley said...


You're a blogger kid, thats way cool..
yeah... I agree with you, applying what we've gotten is so important. It's like "Pay it Forward." Somebody has done a wonderful thing and taught us very important things and if we don't pass it on then we're pretty much ruining the cycle.

Christine said...

it was so cool on monday i 'paid it forward' i think its what it was anyways... this elderly lady wanted on the bus and i was nice and let her on and anothe rlady said it at hte same time as me...then i said that she could go ahead and she said tat i could go... is that paying it forwarD?

Ashley said...

yeah, Im sure it is. Pay it forward is a series of good deeds I guess. It's doing something nice and then that person because they were touched by what you did will then do something nice for another person. Have you seen the movie? If you haven't, I recommend we watch it together.

Christine said...

i did a long time ago.. i dont have the movie. do you? we definitly should watch it together!!