Friday, October 07, 2005

Me and God time.

My teachers are on strike. I'm definetly not complaining, today was a very good day. I relaxed, played guitar, read and ate. All of those happening to be a few of my favourite things.

I attempted at "praying without ceasing" today... I wasn't very successful but I'm guessing that it's one of those disipline things thats going to take a while. It's something that I'm going to work on. It was cool doing it though. I talked to God about a lot of stuff that was going on at school and such. We talked about boys and dating and He cleared things up for me. It was a good experiencing so I plan on continuing.

what else has been going on... well there's listening prayer tonight, i guess i'm looking forward to that. Wait, not I guess, I mean I am very much looking forward to it.



Brent, the one and only, unless your name is Brent said...

It was awesome... God talked to you about relationships?

Sounds interesting.

He talks to me about obidience, constantly....

My days off haven't been very focused on God... I've been letting him down. Bah. Well I better start with doing the rest of everything I do today for his pleasure.


Ashley said...

Yeah, God's been talking to me a lot about relationships lately, mainly because I've been talking to him a lot about that lately... I guess I've tuned myself into that channel.

Thats cool that he talks to you about obedience, I need to channel into that subject as well..

My days off haven't bee very God focused either. I was trying a thing where I woke up an hour early so I could spend my morning with God and read my bible and such but I gave up... I'm going to try again though and stick with it this time because I know its good and it really makes my days more god focused and whatnot..

Anyways, I've written a lot..